Mark 16:15

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." -Mark 16:15


Leaving Comfort Zones

This whole trip down to Guatemala was a leap out of my comfort zone. I was the shyest kid you would meet when I was younger, and now God is stretching me to be more outgoing in a language I don't even speak. Talk about a challenge!

We did still make kites of course!
God has challenged me in crazy ways thus far. On Saturday, I went with a girl from my school and helped with a school for children, ages eight to twelve, in a rural area. As I headed there, I simply knew I was helping with a school, and we had planned to make kites. Sounded easy enough, and more in my comfort zone. They started out their class by sharing the Bible story of Noah's Ark. As I sat there listening and half-understanding, the girl who came with me whispered something in my ear. With my poor Spanish skills, I didn't understand, even after she repeated herself. All I knew was that she said something about English. I didn't think anything of it, and just responded saying yes. I assumed she was maybe going to translate for me, or show me something in English. However, I found out after the Bible story was over, that I had actually said yes to telling Noah's Ark in English and then teaching the fifteen kids English for about 25 minutes. I kind of chuckled at God because I knew this was His doing. With public speaking (even in front of kids) not on the top of my favorites list, this was definitely far out of my comfort. If I would have known what the girl was saying to me, I honestly probably would have said no. But God didn't give me the choice this time. It was such a blessing to be able to teach these kids. English is an important thing they need to learn; however, they do not have the resources or English speakers to teach them. God definitely challenged me, but I would not have it any other way. The kids were so joyful and accepting of me. I wish to be inclusive as they are, and I strive to have their joy.

On another note, I have been in a school for over a week now, and I love it! My teacher is wonderful and the school does a phenomenal job at reaching out to the students. There are so many opportunities for me through the school, and I have already been able to meet people from all around the world. Although school is wonderful, it also is extremely tiring. Five hours a day of intensive learning is strenuous and much more difficult than what I expected. Please keep praying for renewed energy each day to learn the most I can!

I have also found a wonderful church family here in Panajachel, who have already welcomed me with open arms and been very supportive. I am looking forward to telling you about my awesome missionary church in Pana. Thank you for all the prayers and please continue to pray for safety, good health, and lots of energy! Adios (for now)!


The Start of Something New

Dulce fits her name perfectly, because she is so sweet! :)
After a bout of sickness and many changed plans, I made it to Guatemala on Wednesday night! I arrived in Panajachel on Thursday, and moved in to my new home for the upcoming two months. My host family is loving, watching out for me and helping me along. My host mom, Magda, makes me three meals a day and is patient with my terrible Spanish skills. Her husband and three kids all either work or go to school, but I have been able to meet all of them, even though they are busy often. Magda's granddaughter is four, and full of energy. I have loved playing with Dulce and seeing her immense joy, with a little bit of attitude on the side. After moving in on Thursday, I became a little more acquainted with the town, walking around and attempting to figure how I would get around. I started classes at Jabel Tinamit Language School on Friday morning. My teacher, Celestina, and I, meet for five hours on weekdays from 8-1. Currently, there are only a few other students at the school. We all have our own teacher and receive one-on-one tutoring. I absolutely loved my first day of school and it went by quick! However, it is crazy that in two months from now, I will be able to speak enough Spanish to translate for others. It is a bit overwhelming to be in a foreign country where they do not speak my language, but God has been faithful and kept me safe.

Just on my walk to school...
As I was walking on my plane to Guatemala City, I was assured that God called me to do this. Even though I love adventure, this would be way too adventurous and out of my comfort zone for me on my own. I am so glad that I answered God's call, because it is definitely not simple. It is easy to say you will go and live in a foreign country, but actually doing it is difficult. Now that I am here, God has given me peace and more faith in Him. Usually I am a homebody, but God has allowed very little homesickness and more of a desire to discover and adventure in Guatemala. I have already seen myself rely on God more, just in the few days I have been here. Instead of trying to solve every little problem myself, I am more likely to pray. Feeling unsafe? Pray. Scared I might get lost? Pray. Feeling sick? Pray. God has continued to answer my prayers and keep His hand upon me. I cannot imagine all I will learn within two months here, as I have already learned so much in a few days.

The beauty is incredible here (The weather is too. Sorry Iowans!). Not only in the kind people, but in the surroundings as well. I have already taken long walks just to go and see the lake. Lake Atitlán is breath-taking, surrounded by volcanoes and mountains. When I see a place like this, there is no way I can doubt God. If He created that beauty, I know He can do anything. The same God that created volcanoes and the beautiful lake created me and you, and to me, that is more amazing than anything. I am so blessed to be called by God to this wonderful place, and I cannot wait to see what else He has planned.

¡El lago de Atitlán es muy bonita!


T-Minus 1 Week!

I will be reunited with this beautiful place in one week! I am excited, nervous, and happy to finally be headed to Guatemala! After having a trip delay, I am still in a bit of denial about the fact that I am actually going. I will be writing more once I get there and updating you all. Thank you to everyone who has met with me, sent me a quick encouraging message, prayed for me, or supported me. Every little thing has meant so much to me. Each card, quick text, and prayer, has been a huge blessing. I am so grateful for a wonderful God who called me to Guatemala and has already taught me so much along the way. I cannot wait to share more of what He will be teaching me. Please continue to pray for me for safe travels (next Wednesday), a smooth transition, and to stay in a good health. I will be beginning Spanish lessons next Friday, and continue until the middle of December. Thank you all again!


God's Plan

Today was the day I was supposed to be writing to you from Panajachel, Guatemala, telling you of the beauty there and my amazing experiences thus far. But I'm not. Instead, I'm sitting on my couch of my living room, still in Iowa. Sometimes it is difficult to understand God's plan in it all.

After two weeks of packing and preparing to leave, while fighting health issues and a sickness, I was sure I'd be going to Guatemala on October 4. I had my plane ticket, my language school bill paid, and I was totally in control. However, on Friday, God reminded me that my control is simply an illusion. I had a second doctor's visit, and was told to hold off on international travel, especially to a place like Guatemala where there is a poor medical system.

I was called by God to go to Guatemala. His plan for my life was finally coming together. Then this happened. I was finally about to do something big, go out on my own, and it all came crashing down, just days before I was supposed to leave. Disappointed and angry, I just wanted to shut down. I did not want to talk to anyone, and I'll be honest, I definitely did not want to talk with God.

However, God somehow got through to me. He reminded me of something that I needed to be taught. This is not about me. This is not about Guatemala. This is not about my health or my happiness. This is about Him. Our lives are not meant to be self-glorifying, but instead God-glorifying. I could never go to Guatemala on my own. Doing this is so far out of my comfort zone. God calls us out of comfort zones and into His great plan.

I knew God was going to teach me through this experience of going to Guatemala. However, I sure did not realize how much He was going to teach me before I even arrived. At this point, I have no clue how soon I will be going to Guatemala. I will only know a few days in advance. No, this was certainly not my plan, but fortunately, I have an amazing God who has an even better plan. I may not always know why, but I am going to trust Him. He is faithful through it all. He's a big God with big plans, and I cannot wait to see what those plans may be.