Mark 16:15

And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." -Mark 16:15



Change. I'm not very good at it. I don't like saying goodbye, I don't like the nervousness, and I don't really enjoy the feeling. Usually after the change takes place, I find that I'm grateful for it. It often makes me stronger, teaches me about myself, and broadens my faith. But holding onto that hope in the midst of new locations, new homes, and new experiences, is difficult.

I always have to remember God's plan. Everything we ever do is a part of it. He doesn't waste opportunities. I often wonder what sort of impact I will have on the world. I wonder why He called me to Guatemala. Will I make a difference? But I know He called me here and I know He has reason in everything. I think of John 13:7, which says, "Jesus answered him, 'What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.'" Not only does it apply to this Bible story, but I think this applies to our lives too. We don't ever know what is around the corner or how God is working in our lives. However, later, we often see His Divine Hand in the works.

I am not sure what kind of difference I will make while I'm in Guatemala the next two months. I don't even know if I will make one. But I do know that God doesn't waste opportunities. He has already taught me a lot about what makes a true mission. 

So as I am in the midst of change, please pray for me to keep my eyes and heart open to see what God wants to show and teach me here. I am so thankful for a truly supportive family and boyfriend, along with many friends and prayer partners, who push me to pursue God's interests and not my own. I am looking forward to updating more often about how God is working in my life and in Guatemala.